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Dernière modification : 17 octobre 2019
à 12:07 par
But they have a deal, with four parts.
First, EU regulations will apply to all goods in Northern Ireland. This means checks at the border.
Second, NI will remain in the UK’s customs territory. It will therefore benefit from UK trade policy. But it will remain an entry point into the single market. So UK authorities will apply UK tariffs to countries coming from third countries as long as goods entering NI are not at risk of entering the single market. If they are at risk of entering the single market, EU tariffs will apply.
Third, on VAT, the plan will maintain the integrity of the single market, while respecting the UK’s digital wishes.
And, fourth, there will be a consent mechanism. Four years after the arrangements starts, the Northern Ireland assembly will decide by a simple majority if these arrangements stay.
Barnier confirms that the DUP will lose its veto on whether the new arrangements come into force. Under the plan proposed by Boris Johnson earlier this month, the new plan for NI would only have taken affect subject to a vote in the assembly - which the DUP would have been able to veto.Concernant le vote sur le consentement de l'irlande du nord à poursuivre ce système, auparavant il suffisait que n'importe quel parti élu au parlement de NI vote contre, et ça sautait. Clairement, n'importe quel parti, ça voulait dire le DUP ! Maintenant, il faudra la majorité.
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