J'ai un peu zappé la "spring update" de Civ 6, mais c'est surtout du bug fixes pour l'addon du coup :
Joint Wars/Third Party War Update
-Players can now ask other players or AI to join wars they are already in. -Trade screen allows Casus Belli to be chosen when declaring a Joint War. -Joint War now requires one party to have denounced the enemy for 5 turns. -Leader screen makes it clear that war declaration is part of a joint war. Religion can now affect the Loyalty of a city. For players who founded a religion, cities get +3 Loyalty for following that religion, but -3 Loyalty per turn if following another player’s religion. Governor Magnus Groundbreaker ability reduced from +100% to +50%. Government Balance Pass
-Communism: Bonus Production per population from .4 to .6. Overall Production bonus from 10% to 15%. -Democracy: Production per district from 2 to 1. -Fascism: Combat Strength from 4 to 5. Bonus unit production from 20% to 50%. Policy Rebalance:
-Military Research gives +2 Science from Military Academies, Seaports, and Renaissance Walls (was +1 and did not include Renaissance Walls). -Public Transport gives 100 Gold per Appeal when replacing a Farm with a Neighborhood (was 50). -Ecommerce gives +2 Production and +5 Gold for all your Trade Routes (was +5 and +10 but only for international Trade Routes). Made it so when somebody wins the game in the Information Era, it reset all players to be in a Normal Age and take away all Dedication bonuses. This puts everyone on a level playing field for “One More Turn” mode. (If somebody wins in an earlier era, continue the progression of eras and Ages as normal.) Made Turtles Luxury Resource more common. AI evaluates joint and third party wars based on the chosen casus belli, and applies casus belli to its own offers Fixed issues with AI strategies, including yield priorities and era strategies (as reported on community forums, thanks!). Fixed government bonus analysis problem. AI will no longer focus entirely on monarchy.
Quelqu'un ici (Trin ?) a craqué sur l'addon et peut faire un retour ? Il est encore à une vingtaine d'euros sur des sites "moins officiels" que l'officiel. Ca reste cher, si j'en crois les retours des anonymes d'Internet disant qu'il n'apporte pas grand chose...
Rise & Falls est dispo un peu partout à moins de 20€ (on le trouve à 16€ et des poussières) pour ceux que ça tente. Ca vaut la peine si vous avez accroché au jeu de base.