The change log for 2.06 can be seen below:
- Ensure correct flag set when there are repeated authority transfers
- When starting docked, start in your own island
- Prevent ambient NPCs spawning before player is ready
- Tighten key and seed generation flow
- Add thread locks to protect against threading issues on server
- Additional docking logging
- Increment network protocol version
On top of these changes, a few server-side updates have been implemented. You can see the details below:
- After the weekend's excellent testing, we've made some more performance improvements to the Exploration Servers. In particular, the Universal Cartographics shop should respond more quickly.
- Fixed a softlock whenever a Commander purchased a different ship.
1996-2024 — Lexpage v4 — GPLv3 (sources)
page générée le 26 décembre 2024 à 05:40:41